
3,284 people have taken this step


Stamp our stand by and lower your electricity costs, increase the lifespan of your devices, and reduce your carbon footprint - all without affecting your usage.

Leaving things on standby costs you more than you think. In the UK, standby usage can account for up to 16% of household usage, costing as much as £86! Like you needed another reason!



For People
Even when desktops are shut down, most office monitors remain on. Scaled across the whole office, this can cost companies thousands of pounds a year in unused consumption.

Unplugging devices help to reduce the likelihood of overcharging or overheating, which can erode device health or cause fires.

For Planet
Less energy usage means less carbon emissions into the environment. That means less global heating and less extreme weather. That means a more habitable world for us and the nature around us.
It’s that simple.


Some appliances can’t be easily unplugged, but microwaves and food processors don't need to be sucking energy all night long. Unplug them before heading off for a weekend, or even overnight if you can.

Leaving devices on charge has no benefit to you or device health. Even when not connected to a device, the plug draws energy from the grid, so always unplug it from the wall when not in use.

Turn off the telly
With most modern on-demand TVs, there's no need to record your favourite shows. In that case, switch your device off when you head off for holiday, or even at night if you're really committed.

Take the green route
There's varying advice on unplugging wifi routers at night - energy saving and radiation reduction are benefits, but possible problems with connectivity are a risk. Turning them off when away for extended periods is definitely worthwhile.

Buy better
When choosing new gadgets, always check out their energy rating (aim for A+) and look out for the EST Recommended logo.